Monday, June 25, 2007

Retailers Partnering for Online Success

Imagine a situation where you have 2 fashion designers with their own lines of women's fashions. They have a similar price point, and are targeting the same market. They are both interested in selling their products online, but find the cost prohibitive.

The owners of Store A and Store B have both gotten national media attention for their shops, but are only able to sell locally. It benefits them both to change this, and is possible to reduce their costs by teaming up. They are located on the same block, and the owners have a good relationship.

Store A and Store B find a URL that they both like; we'll call it

Store A has a great relationship with their Merchant Account Provider, and they get a great rate on all of their credit card transaction.

Store B has a larger storage area and gets a great deal on shipping through a trade association they belong to.

They decide to pool their resources to get their products online; this reduces their Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the e-commerce site by half, and expands their marketing efforts through co-marketing; every time someone visits their website, they both get exposure. Every time the shops are mentioned in the media along with the website, they both receive attention by association.

And as far as getting media attention goes, a couple of businesses willing to work together for the benefit of both is in itself a news worthy story.

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